Akagi's Mah Jongg Rules

After watching the anime Akagi , I wanted to play modern Japanese Mah Jongg so that I could say "Ron!" and "Riichi!" in a suitably impressive voice. However, there are many different variants, indeed every group of players seems to have their own rules, and I knew nothing about the game let alone which rules went well together.

The talented games guru Hugo Huggett obligingly watched Akagi, dug out his mah jongg set, and put together a set of rules for us to try. I think this is a well-structured form of the game, and the requirement to form a hand with at least one yaku (special shape) adds strategy.

If you want to play this version of Mah Jongg, I recommend that you print out four copies of the list of Yaku, because each player will need to refer to it frequently.

Rules (.pdf)

Rules (Word 2000 .doc)


Want to Play Now?

Try this online Japanese Mah Jongg game - it's good practice for a real game!

Mah Jongg rules copyright © Hugo Huggett 2009